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Sunday 16 September 2018

Being Single Is Better Than A Relationship "PROS & CONS"

An Honest Look At The 10 Pros And Cons Of Being Single


Con: Your pocket money may be on the rise, but you know exactly why.
It’s because you’re single and lonely, and have no one to go out with in order to spend that money. Having this increase in savings is just a brutal reminder that you’re currently alone.
Pro: You have tons of savings. Do something with that!
With the influx of money accumulated from my job and no regular dates to pitch in for, I can’t help but imagine all of the things I could do with these savings.

Con: When you are single, there is a crushing sense of loneliness you encounter. This isn’t to say your friends are irrelevant or don't help in counteracting the weight of the solitude that is provoked by being single.
The truth of the matter is, it isn’t the same because it’s not the same type of relationship as one with mutual sexual attraction.
Personally, the worst aspect for me at first was acknowledging I had lost a friend. He was someone I loved and trusted.
Pro: One less friend or companion means one less person to have disagreements with.
Although it’s inevitable for people in any type of relationship to fail to see eye-to-eye at every moment, you don’t have to ever fear you’ll have that one fight that will end your relationship.
Why? Because that relationship doesn’t exist anymore.
Another plus is you have your closest friends for companionship, and this time, being single allows you to appreciate them more than ever.

Con: How are all my friends either in solid relationships or tearing up the dating scene? I don’t even want to date, as I fear I’ll just fall for someone who will break my heart again.
Or worse, I'm scared I’ll never find someone who makes me feel the way I used to feel.
Is there something wrong with me, or is this feeling normal?
Pro: I can date different guys and see what I want.
I have the freedom to do that. In fact, there’s something emotionally satiating about talking to guy after guy on dating apps, and then ceasing all conversation the moment you get bored.
There are no explanations, no guilt and no ramifications.

Con: The truth of the matter is, if you want another boyfriend or girlfriend at any point in your future, you’ll have to start dating again.
This is especially difficult if you currently feel like you’ll never get around to desiring such a thing, or if you believe no one will ever be capable of loving you for all that you are.
Pro: I can acknowledge I’ve become the biggest drama queen (in the history of like, ever), and I shouldn’t be thinking about falling in love with someone right off the bat anyway.
This is the perfect time to go on dates and find out both what I want and what I need. It’s a good feeling to not take it all so seriously, and just focus on having a good time in the moment.
You can have non-committal fun on dates without becoming physically involved with someone too, which can be great for your self-esteem.

Con: You have way more time on your hands than you did when you were in a relationship, and those giant gaps in your schedule are not always being spent as productively as they should be.
For the longest time, I filled these spots with drinking or going out partying, which led to the inevitable development of some bad habits.
Let’s just say my wine drinking capabilities have improved dramatically in the past few months.
Pro: This is the perfect opportunity to focus on your work, your education and yourself.
This is the time to explore new and healthy hobbies, and to experience every bit of life you possibly can.
In truth, I wouldn’t be working as much as I currently do if I were in a relationship.
In fact, I would be delegating most of my free time to completing as much school work as possible, so I could have all the remaining time to spend stress-free and work-free with my boyfriend.

Con: Maybe you haven’t felt sexy in a long time.
That red push-up corset with the black lace is still sitting in its box from just before your breakup, and all your other lingerie that cost you way too much money is folded neatly beneath it.
Pro: Who doesn’t get excited about having an excuse to not have to match your bra to your panties? Not to mention, thongs aren’t exactly healthy to be wearing day in and day out.
Just remember: It’s okay to match for yourself.

Con: It’s so easy to become depressed when you’re single, particularly right after you’ve gone through a breakup.
I felt dejected and ugly, and I had no one to tell me I was beautiful anymore. The night my boyfriend and I broke up, I sat up sobbing all night with my best friend, while eating an entire tub of ice cream.
Then, I had a pile of eggs (and more ice cream on the side) for breakfast.
That incited a two-week purge of unwavering misery, perforated only by the moments I was able to distract myself with junk food.
Who is that sumo wrestler waddling through the house with a box of tissues under her arm? Oh wait, that’s me.
I gained 7 lbs.
Pro: Two weeks after wallowing in self-pity, I decided the least I could do was start exercising to burn off the fat that was quite literally growing on me.
One hour of aerobics daily not only boosted my adrenaline, but also slowly morphed my body into something I truly loved. I felt physically better than I had in years, and also felt like I was on the road to emotional recuperation.
Sometimes, this inspired me to work out twice in a day, because who doesn't want to look and feel great all day?
I lost 19 lbs in two weeks.

8. SEX:
Con: Personally, I can’t imagine having sex with someone I’m not in love with.
To me, that aspect is so vital to the act, I would find it pointless to have sex under any other circumstances.
Pro: You don’t have to shave regularly because of the lack of sex, which is 100 percent the silver lining.
Everyone still needs that human connection every once in a while. But if you wait until someone deserves it, it becomes that much better.

Con: You no longer have that ability to say you’re in a serious long-term relationship.
Basically, you’re lacking a fundamental part of typical adult life.
Pro: You have the total satisfaction of being able to go out and do as you please, on a whim.
Maybe you’ll make some mistakes against your morality. Maybe you’ll go get wasted and make out with every guy in sight.
Maybe you’ll go against the code of young adulthood and do the complete opposite instead. Maybe you’ll hop on a plane and escape for a week.
You can do whatever you want. You’re tied down to nothing and no one.

Con: Being single is the worst feeling in the world.
Pro: Being single is the most wonderful feeling in the world.
In all honesty, there are always going to be unfortunate repercussions of being single.
But the truth of the matter is, this is a time for us to flourish and become the best we can be. It is up to the individual person to change his or her mindset and make the most of the situation at hand.
Why not strive to make yourself the best you can be, and use this newfound time to better yourself?
Naturally, I am often overcome (even still) with regret at the end of that chapter of my life, and am familiar with the nagging feeling of missing a part of me that is no more. That’s honestly one of the worst parts of it all.
That being said, these post-relationship days have also been some of my best.
I’ve learned to better myself in the process of dealing with not only my breakup, but being a single 20-something.
Like everything in life, there are pros and cons to our experiences, and being single is no exception.

I'm single by choice, and I will continue to be till 
I meet someone that deserves me.




INDIA'S FINANCE MINISTER : ARUN JAITLEY outlines series of measures to stem declines in rupee.

NEW DELHI/MUMBAI: The Indian government late on Friday announced a slew of steps aimed at stemming a steep decline in the rupee, which has fallen rapidly this year, and it left the door open to announcing more measures.

After an economic review meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India's finance NSE 2.54 % minister said the government plans to take measures to cut down "non-necessary" imports, ease overseas borrowing norms for the manufacturing sector and relax rules around around banks raising masala bonds, or rupee-denominated overseas bonds.

The moves follow sharp declines in the rupee, the worst-performing Asian currency this year. Despite strong GDP growth, the rupee has weakened about 11 percent this year amid higher oil prices and an emerging markets sell-off.

This has widened India's current account deficit and pushed its balance of payments into the red in April-June for the first time in six quarters and stoked inflationary pressure in the economy.

"Dollar outflows, trade wars and high global crude oil prices have hit India despite strong fundamentals," said Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, adding a falling rupee has hurt the current account deficit and this needs to be dealt with "immediately."

Jaitley said manufacturing entities will be permitted to make use of external commercial borrowings (ECBs) of up to $50 million with a minimum maturity of one year, down from three years earlier.
A Singapore-based forex dealer said the measures would not do much to bolster the rupee.

"These are small, cosmetic measures and will mildly help the rupee on Monday. But we need stronger measures," said the forex dealer, adding the markets had been hoping the government would announce measures like Non-Resident India (NRI) bonds.

During currency crises in 1998, 2000 and 2013 India tapped expatriates to invest in NRI bonds to help boost its foreign exchange reserves and stem  declines in the rupee. 

Jaitley declined to comment on any such measure, saying "this is a market sensitive information." He added that there would be further meetings and more steps would be announced separately.

The forex dealer said the market would closely watch which "non-essential imports are being curbed."

The government did not provide any details, but earlier a trade ministry official told Reuters that curbs could be placed on imports like gold and high-end electronic items. 

India's gold imports in August rose over 90 percent to $3.64 billion, according to data released on Friday.

India, the world's second-biggest gold consumer, has already raised its goods and services tax on bullion this year and taken other steps to curb gold purchases that drain the country of its forex reserves.

Any move to impose more tariffs on high-end electronic items or curb imports of such products though, could heighten tensions with the United States, which has already raised objections this year to India's move to raise duties on dozens of items to help its flagship Make-in-India drive.
Ford, which has two plants in India, has pushed for a reversal of new tariffs on auto components, while Apple is concerned its iPhones have become even more expensive in the price-conscious $10 billion smartphone market.

India's Economic Secretary S.C. Garg told a local television channel that no domestic measures related to oil were discussed at the Friday meeting.

The weaker rupee and higher oil prices have driven the price of fuel in the country to record highs, causing concern for the government that faces elections in three major states just a few months from now. Modi, who is widely expected to seek a second term, also faces a general election in less than nine months.

Earlier this week, nationwide protests against the record high petrol and diesel prices shut down businesses, government offices and schools in many parts of the country.

Six reasons why India's rupee is in freefall

Rupee in a free fall, hits fresh all-time low of 72.10 level against dollar

Image caption Domestic and international issues have hurt the Indian currency in recent months

Since July last year, the Indian rupee has fallen by more than 27% against the US dollar, one of the biggest declines among Asian currencies.

Here are six main reasons for the steady slump in the value of India's currency:

Since India imports more goods (in value terms) than it exports, it results in a huge imbalance in trade, or what is called a trade deficit.
In the financial year ending March 2012, the deficit zoomed to $185bn (£118bn) compared with the original estimate of $160bn.

India's Commerce Secretary Rahul Khullar has predicted that the trade deficit may be slightly lower in 2012-13, due to falling global crude prices and recent government curbs on gold imports.
A $1 per barrel decrease in crude price reduces the country's deficit by $900m at existing import volumes.

On the flip side, India's export performance may prove to be a dampener this year.
Mr Khullar has added that India will be lucky if exports, which grew 21% in 2011-12, manage to witness a growth rate of 10-15% in 2012-13, due to the crisis in Europe and slow economic recovery in the US.

Although India has become an attractive destination which can woo foreign capital as well as money from non-resident citizens, it is not enough to make up for the trade deficit.
In 2011-12, India received foreign direct investment of more than $30bn, in addition to a net inflow of $18bn from foreign institutional investors in stocks and bonds.

But uncertainty about India's commitment to economic reforms, retrospective taxes, and policy paralysis within the government have forced foreigners to either postpone their investment decisions, or take money out of Indian stock markets.

The country's current account deficit - a broader measure of the trade deficit - has also ballooned due to the above reasons.

In 2011-12, this deficit was more than $74bn, a huge jump from less than $46bn a year ago. In 2012-13, it may be even higher at $77bn.
The result is that India's foreign exchange reserves have dropped from a peak of $320bn in September 2011 to $290bn now.

In such a situation, more people tend to sell rupees to buy dollars (or any other foreign currency that they require).
Importers scamper for dollars to cater for their needs to buy goods abroad.
Exporters cannot bring in enough dollars; in fact, they keep their foreign earnings abroad as they expect the rupee to fall further.

Meanwhile, foreign investors increase the demand for dollars as they convert their rupee assets into dollars to take their money out.
This demand-supply gap between the dollar and the rupee leads to devaluation.

This trend is accentuated by low growth and high inflation in India.
After annual economic growth of nearly 9% in 2009-10 and 2010-11, the country is likely to grow at 6.5% in 2011-12.

The expectations for 2012-13 are not too encouraging.
Couple this with high inflation due to high food and fuel prices. The rate of inflation may rise this year to double digits if the government is unable to curb its fiscal deficit.
In this scenario, most foreigners as well as Indians tend to take money abroad, or keep it away from India.

Global investors are also nervous about investing abroad in nations such as India due to the economic crisis in their respective countries.
That has added further selling pressure on the rupee.

The Reserve Bank of India's bid to sell dollars in the open market to restrict the rupee slide has failed in the past few weeks and months.

This has complicated the situation further.
Once currency traders and speculators realise that India's central bank is unable to manage its exchange rate, and reduce the adverse impact on its currency, they may enter the market in a big way to sell the rupee.

As a result, the rupee may devalue more than it should.
Experts, who a few weeks ago predicted that the Indian currency might stabilise at 55 rupees to the dollar, now say this may happen at 60 rupees.

 Indian Rupee is Falling Against the US Dollar

Saturday 15 September 2018


अगर प्यार में मिला हो धोखा तो यह ज़रूर पढ़ें

प्यार और भरोसा
धोखा एक ऎसा शब्द है जिससे सभी बचना चाहते हैं। धोखा देने से भले ही हिचकिचाएं लेकिन धोखा खाने से जरूर बचना चाहते हैं। किसी का प्यार तभी पाया जा सकता है जब आप उसके भरोसे के काबिल हों। प्यार का दूसरा नाम भरोसा भी है। जहां भरोसा नहीं वहां प्यार भी नहीं हो सकता। इसलिए अगर आप किसी से प्यार करते हैं तो आपको उस पर भरोसा भी करना होगा, साथ ही उसका भरोसा कभी भी नहीं तोडना होगा।

ब्रेक-उप और बदला
चाहे लड़का हो या लड़की ब्रेकअप किसी को भी बर्दाश्त नहीं होता लेकिन इस मामले में लड़कियां लड़कों के मुकाबले बहुत भावुक होती हैं वो किसी भी रिवेंज को एक्सेप्ट नहीं कर पाती। यह ब्रेकअप ही रिवेंज में बदल जाता है। ऐसे में लड़कियां रिवेंज सर्जरी का सहारा लेकर अपने एक्स को जेलस फिल कराती हैं और इसमें कोई भी बुरा भी नहीं इसलिए महानगरों की युवतियां इस की ओर आकर्षित हो रही हैं।

टाइम फॉर न्यू लाइफ
बदलते वक्त की बात करें तो आजकल प्यार का खोना धोखजा होना एक आम बात हो गई है अकेलेपन और एकांत में बीच एक फर्क हैअकेलापन वह दौर होता है जब आपको अकेले रहना पसंद नहीं होता और आप नाखुश होते हैं। एकांत में आपको अकेलेपन में अच्छा लगता है।

नये लोगों से मिलें
लोग अक्सर अकेलेपन की तरफ उस समय ध्यान देते हैं जब उनकी लाइफ में बदलाव आने लगते हैं। अगर आप खुद के लिए नए रास्ते और नए विकल् खोजते है जो शायद आपको थोड़ा सा अकेलापन झेलना पडे ऐसे में आपको उन लोगों से मेल जोल बढाना चाहिए जो आपकी नई रूचि और विचारों से सहमत हों। अकेलेपन में उन लोगों को ढूढि़एं जो आपका साथ दे सकें और आपके नजदीक सकें।

Happy diverse group of young friends.

अकेलेपन पर काबू पाएं
उन लोगों को कॉल करें या मिलें जिन्हे आप जानते हैं। कई दिनों से जिन लोगों से बातचीत हुई हो उनसे बात करें आपका कॉन्टेक् करना ही उनके लिए आपके प्रति प्यार बढ़ा देगा। बात करने से ज्यादा लोगों की बातें सुनें। अपने आप के बारे में बातें करना निरर्थक होता है जबकि किसी के विचार सुनना और उसके बाद लोगों के बारे में राय बनाना आपके कॉन्टेक् पर गहरा प्रभाव छोड़ता है।

एक्टीविटी में शामिल हों
किसी स्पोर्ट को ज्वाइन करें या कोई क्लास लें। अपने समुदाय के स्वंयसेवी बन जाएं। अगर आप बहुत ज्यादा शर्मीले हैं तो सामाजिक चिंता के लिए किसी समूह को ज्वाइन कर लें- आजकल तो ऐसी कम्यूनिटी ऑन लाइन भी मिल जाती हैं। सोशल रिलेशनशिप में आगे से आगे बढ़कर आने की चुनौती खुद को दें।

प्यार के पचड़े में
प्यार के पचड़े में पड़कर अपना करियर बर्बाद करने वाले युवक-युवतियां शायद यह नहीं जानते कि उनके इस आचरण से उनके परिजनों का कितना दिल दुखेगा अपने बच्चों का करियर बनाने के लिए की गई जद्दोजहद व्यर्थ होते देख उन्हें कैसा महसूस होगाउनकी उम्मीदों पर पानी फिरता देख उन्हें कितनी ठेस पहुंचेगी

क्यों मिलता है प्यार में धोखा
नए संबंधों के दौरान अपनी व्यक्तित् को रहस्यमय बनाए रखें अपने नए साथी से एकदम से अपने बारे में सब कुछ बता दें बल्कि धीरे-धीरे उसे आपके बारे में जानने का मौका दें किसी भी संबंध की शुरूआत झूठ से नहीं होनी चाहिए इसीलिए नए रिश्ते की शुरूआत झूठ से करें

आरंभ में अपने साथी को अपनी बातों का विश्वास दिलाएं वह जो भी अपने बारे में बता रहा है। उस पर अविश्वास जताएं और उसे भरोसा दिलाने की कोशिश करें कि आप उस पर पूरा विश्वास करते हैंलेकिन इसका अर्थ यह नहीं कि अंधविश्वास करें रोमांटिक लाइफ जीने के लिए अपने साथी के साथ अधिक से अधिक समय बिताने की कोशिश करें जिससे आप उसे जान पाएं

आपस में सामंजस्यपूर्ण संबंध बनाने के लिए दोनों एक-दूसरे की पसंद-नापंसद तलाशने की कोशिश करें जिसमें पहले एक-दूसरे की अच्छाइयों को जानें यदि आपके पार्टनर में कोई बुराई है तो उसे इस बात के लिए बार-बार ताने दें बल्कि उसकी उस कमजोरी या बुराई को धीरे-धीरे दूर करने की कोशिश करें

एक-दूसरे की महत्वाकांक्षाओं और सपनों को जानने की कोशिश करें और उन्हें लगातार प्रोत्साहन भी देते रहें नए संबंधों में जरूरी हो जाता है कि आप अपने साथी की प्राथमिकताओं को जानें वह किस चीज पर अधिक ध्यान देता है अपने कॅरियर पर दोस्तों पर या आपसी रिश्तों पर उसके लिए जीवन में क्या चीज अहम है यदि आपको अपने पार्टनर की कुछ खूबियां अच्छी लगती है तो उन्हें अपनाने की कोशिश करें साथी की तारीफ करने से भी चूकें

Being Single

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