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Thursday 1 April 2021

April Fool's Day 2021 : 30+ Awesome Jokes & Messages with articles

April Fool’s Day 2021: Every year, April 1 is celebrated as April Fool’s Day. It is an annual custom where people crack jokes, play pranks, and hoaxes with their friends and family. The day is celebrated with jokes and laughter and people look forward to this day as it brings joy and happiness. People can get away with almost anything on this day. People are cautious on this day as they don’t want to make a fool of themselves. On April 1, there is fun in the air and everyone wants to pull a prank on one another.

This day is celebrated for several centuries by different cultures. According to, some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. April Fool’s Day traditions are playing pranks or cracking practical jokes on each other and screaming ‘’April Fools!” at the end of the clue. It is not a public holiday in any country, except in Odessa in Ukraine.

-Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. Happy April Fool’s Day!

April Fool’s Day 2021: Best Jokes, Memes, Messages, WhatsApp Forwards to Share

-You definitely cannot touch your elbow with your tongue. Tried doing it? Well, all the idiots would! -Happy April Fool’s Day, friend. This day is dedicated just for you!

-Listen! Watch the news right now. Aliens have contacted the Earth.

April Fool’s Day 2021: Best Jokes, Memes, Messages, WhatsApp Forwards to Share

-Hey, sorry for informing you so late. I am getting married on April 1. All of you are invited.

-Happy birthday to you. You were born for this day!

-Hey, buddy! People like you make me realize I am still way more intelligent than many. Thanks 🙂

-The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.

April Fool’s Day 2021: Best Jokes, Memes, Messages, WhatsApp Forwards to Share

-You are precious to me I cannot live my life without you even for a minute You are my life and I can feel you everywhere! Don’t put much pressure on your little brain! I am talking about oxygen.

-Happy April Fool’s day! You can run, you can hide but you can never get away from my pranks! You should not turn around, because I’m just right behind you, waiting for you to finish this message and get on with my prank. Did you turn around? I was just kidding!

25 April Fools’ Day Jokes to Make Everyone Laugh

1. Believe nothing, and trust no one this April Fools’ Day.

So it’s just like any other day.

2. April Fools’ Day is like a huge open mic night…

Millions of people go out of their way to demonstrate how unfunny they are.

3. What monster plays the most April Fools’ jokes?


4. Did you hear about the guy who swapped the labels on the pumps at the gas station?

It was an April Fuels’ joke.

5. Excuse me, sir.

Do you think they named April Fool’s Day in your honor?

Ever wonder where this day of practical jokes came from? Learn more about the mystery of how April Fools’ Day got started.

6. Why was the donkey annoying his friend?

It was April Mules’ Day!

Image of donkey with text: Why was the donkey annoying his friend? It was April Mules' Day!RD.COM, GETTY IMAGES (2)

7. You should know that no one understood it was an April Fools’ joke…

Because no one expected you have a sense of humor.

8. A and C were going to prank their friend…

But they just letter B.

9. Which day of the year do monkeys like best?

The first of Ape-ril!

10. Which day is the worst to propose on?

April Fools’ Day!

Are these April Fools’ jokes not enough? Check out these hysterical pranks you can pull on your kids this year.

11. A couple of pranksters broke into the local police station and stole all the lavatory equipment.

A spokesperson was quoted as saying, “We have absolutely nothing to go on.”

12. What’s a stepladder’s favorite holiday?

April Stool’s Day!

13. What did April Fools’ Day say after it won an award?

Prank you!

14. Who needs April Fools’ when your whole life is a joke?

April Fools’!

15. Who needs a day for the fools?

I’m surrounded by them all year.

16. I don’t always joke on April Fools’ Day…

Just kidding, I do.

Don’t miss these pranks that went horribly wrong so you don’t mess up like these people did.

17. My favorite April Fools’ Day prank is pretending I’m going to leave my couch. 

On my way out!

18. There are some friends you know will never pull an April Fools’ Day prank…

Because they think it’s still March.

19. I’m going to pull an April Fools’ Day prank on my landlord by not paying rent.

Rent isn’t due today; you’re just kidding!

Image of hammer with text: What do you call a hammer bought on April 1st? April tool.RD.COM, GETTY IMAGES (2)

20. What do you call a hammer bought on April 1st?

April tool.

21. Why was everyone so tired on April 1st?

Because they just finished a long 31-day March.

Trick all your virtual friends with these funny pranks you can pull on Facebook.

22. Babies born March 31st are the easiest to prank on April Fools’…

They were literally born yesterday!

23. Joke’s on you, April Fools’ Day…

I can be fooled any day of the year. If you’re looking to fool your boyfriend on April Fools’ day, check out these April Fools’ pranks for boyfriends.

24. April Fools’ Day is a great day to pull pranks…

Except on me, if you’re smart.

25. What’s the biggest difference between Thanksgiving and April Fool’s Day?

On one you’re thankful but on the other you’re prankful.

Saturday 22 September 2018


The Battle of Karbala was a military engagement that took place on 10 Muharram, 61 A.H.(October 10, 680) in Karbala (present day Iraq) between a small group of supporters and relatives of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's grandson, Maula Hussain ibn Ali, and a larger military detachment from the forces of Yazid I, the Umayyad caliph. The battle is often marked as the event that separated Sunni and Shi'a Islam.

The Battle of Karbala is particularly central to Shi'a Muslim belief. In Shi'a Islam, the martyrdom of Maula Hussain is mourned by an annual commemoration, called Ashurah. They represent the battle as one between good and evil, light and darkness with evil winning. Yazid becomes the epitome of evil. Yazid is by no means an heroic figure among Sunnis, who regard his appointment as caliph as irregular and generally see him as a secular ruler. Karbala itself, some Shi'a say, will eventually be raised to paradise as the dwelling place of prophets and saints.

He battle was a defining moment in Islamic history. It has been described as “indescribably tragic” and as “casting its shadow over all subsequent Muslim history” (Bennett 1998, 149). Shi'a believe that, with the exception of one Imam (inspired leader of the community, male descendant of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), all were martyred. Subsequently, what has been called the “Karbala paradigm” emerged. This refers to a profound “sense of sectarian uniqueness, of group loyalty, faith in the leadership, readiness for sacrifice” and to the view that somehow Shi'a history “went awry at the source” (Ahmed 2002, 56-57). The Battle of Karbala is viewed differently by Sunni and Shi'a. Both regard it as deeply tragic but for Shi'a it marks the definitive point of departure from Sunni Islam, although history has seen many efforts to re-unite these two main strands of Islam.

Background and summary
After the death of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, there was dissension within the Muslim community as to who should succeed him. Most of the community eventually accepted the rule of the caliph Abu Bakr and then of the caliphs Umar al-Khattab and Umar ibn al-Khattab. However, there were always those who felt that Maula Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's cousin and son-in-law was the better choice. A few years later, when the caliph Uthman was killed by dissident rebels, Maula Ali became the next caliph. However, he was challenged by a faction affiliated with Uthman and the community fell into the First Islamic civil war. Maula Ali was assassinated and power was eventually grasped by his opponent Muawiya I.

Muawiya tried to ensure that his son, Yazid, would be accepted as the next caliph. Contrary to previous processes for choosing a caliph, Muawiya required all his supporters to pledge their allegiance to Yazid I before his own death. This was also controversial because Yazid was perceived as a hedonistic sinner by some of the Muslim community. Meanwhile, Maula Hussain, the son of Maula Ali, was seen as the embodiment of the virtues and qualities impressed by Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and the Qur'an. Upon ascension to the throne, Yazid wrote a letter to the governor of Medina, asking him to demand allegiance from his rival Hussain or to threaten him with death.

Gathering his supporters, Hussain set out from Medina with about one hundred friends and family members. He is said to have received letters from the Muslims from the garrison town of Kufa saying that they would support him if he claimed the caliphate. On his journey, Hussain was intercepted by a force from Yazid's army. The Battle of Karbala ensued, in which Hussain and all of his men were killed, and his remaining family taken prisoner.
This version of events attempts to relate matters as documented by scholars.

Account of the battle
A military dispatch sent by Yazid surrounded the family and supporters of Hussain ibn Ali. A battle ensued which ended with Hussain and his entire force falling as casualties. Because of the centrality of martyrdom to Shi'a Islam and the questions of authority in Sunni and Shi'a Islam, many of the details attributed to the event are disputed.

According to Shi'a historians, Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had charged Ali ibn Abi Talib—and, after him, Ali's sons Hasan and Hussain—with the duty to lead the Muslim community. However, their claim to power was usurped by others. When Muawiya I died, there was again an opportunity for the proper authority to be established.

Yazid I, the new ruler, feared that Maula Hussain would try to reassert his claims. Therefore he sent an emissary to Hussain demanding his pledge of allegiance, his bay'ah. Maula Hussain believed that he had a duty to refuse to do so, and wanted to flee from Medina to Mecca before he could be seized.

When letters came from Kufa assuring him of Kufan support, Maula Hussain set out to raise his banner and stake his claim. On his way towards Kufa, word came to Maula Hussain that Yazid had sent a new governor, Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad, with an army, and that the Kufans had surrendered rather than fight.

Nevertheless, Maula Hussain continued to advance toward Kufa after receiving news of the loss of Kufan support. The Shi'a belief is that he did so in the spirit of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, knowing that he would die and that his death would demonstrate the evil of Yazid's worldly rule.
He and his family and his supporters—a mere 72 men—finally pitched camp at Karbala, close to the city of Kufa in present-day Iraq.

Yazid's governor, Ibn Ziyad, is said by the Shi'a to have sent a huge force against Hussain. They surrounded his camp and then opened negotiations with Maula Hussain.

The leader of the force, Umar ibn Sa'ad, finally agreed to Maula Hussain's proposal that the siege be lifted so that Maula Hussain, his family, and his companions could leave Iraq. He sent word to his superiors, asking them to ratify the offer. The governor, Ibn Ziyad, liked the proposal, but another Umayyad grandee, Shimr ibn Dhil-Jawshan, vetoed it. Umar ibn Sa'ad was commanded to destroy Maula Hussain's rebellion or face death himself.

On the seventh day of the month of Muharram, Ibn Sa'ad moved his troops closer to Maula Hussain's camp, cutting it off from the Euphrates River. The camp now had no supply of water and, they hoped, would be forced to surrender from thirst.

Choice between life and death
On the ninth day of Muharram, the camp had exhausted its water stores and could choose only between surrender and death. Maula Hussain asked Ibn Sa'ad for yet another delay, until the next morning. Again, Ibn Sa'ad granted his request.

Maula Hussain then told his men that he did not intend to surrender, but to fight. Since they were so heavily outnumbered, all of them were sure to die. He told them that if they wished to flee the camp in the middle of the night, rather than face certain death, they were free to do so. None of Maula Hussain's men wished to defect.

Day of the battle
The next day, Maula Hussain's followers went to the front lines and one by one, addressed those whom they knew who were part of the enemy forces, asking them to lay down their arms. Maula Hussain himself addressed the enemy troops. The Shi'a say that his speech was so affecting that one of Yazid's generals, named Hurr, abandoned Yazid's army and joined Maula Hussain's small force.

Ibn Sa'ad feared that this might be the first of many defections, therefore hastened to start the battle.
One by one, men loyal to Maula Hussain men such as Hurr, Habib ibn Mazahir, Muslim ibn Ausaja, and Zohair-e-Qain, many of whom were once close companions of Ali ibn Abu Talib, laid down their lives. Other casualties included Abbas, the half-brother and flag-bearer of Maula Hussain, Ali Akbar, son of Hussain, Qasim, son of Hasan ibn Ali and nephew of Maula Hussain, and Aun and Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the sons of Zainab bint Ali.

The women and children were said to have huddled in tents, waiting for the battle to end. Maula Hussain's son Imam Ali ibn Hussain was with them, because he is said to have been too ill to fight.

Maula Hussain had his infant son Ali Asghar, who was six months old and close to death from lack of water, in his arms when he marched out to face Yazid's army. He asked for water for the child. But Hurmala ibn Kahil, on orders of Umar ibn Sa'ad, shot an arrow at the child, who died in the arms of his father.

Maula Hussain buried his son and again went out to face the army. He is said to have demonstrated extreme courage and bravery, forcing the enemy into a temporary retreat. Eventually, however, Maula Hussain's force dwindled. He was attacked and eventually killed by a man named Shimr ibn Dhil-Jawshan, one of Umar ibn Sa'ad's commanders, who approached Maula Hussain and beheaded him.

The next day, the women and children were loaded on camels and taken to Yazid's court in Damascus via Kufa. The Shi'a say that the captives were humiliated and harried, so that fatigue, hunger, and thirst were added to their grief at the death of Maula Hussain and his men. Yazid believed that by doing so, he could humiliate and ridicule them to the point where Maula Hussain's followers would lose all public support.

However, during the journey from Karbala to Kufa, and from Kufa to Damascus, Maula Hussain's sister Zainab bint Ali and son Ali ibn Hussain gave various speeches that vilified Yazid and told the Muslim world of the various atrocities committed in Karbala. After being brought to Yazid's court, Zainab gave a famous speech in which she denounced Yazid's claim to the caliphate and eulogized Maula Hussain's uprising.

The prisoners were held in Damascus for a year, during which Maula Hussain's daughter, Sakina bint Maula Hussain, is believed to have passed away due to grief and sorrow. The people of Damascus began to frequent the prison, and Zaynab and Ali ibn Maula Hussain used that as an opportunity to further propagate the message of Maula Hussain and explain to the people the reason for Maula Hussain's uprising. As public opinion against Yazid began to foment in Syria and parts of Iraq, Yazid ordered their release and return to Medina, where they continued to tell the world of Maula Hussain's cause and Yazid's atrocities. The Shi'a commemoration of Ashurah thus began and has persisted to this day.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

I MISS YOU MOM "Your Memories Are My Life’s Only Solace"

I love my mom. She has been my teacher and guide. Since my childhood, I have seen her being the first one to get up in the morning and do all the chores, without complaining. Juggling things with perfection has been her ‘thing’ with never-ending supply of unconditional love.

A mother's love is a lifetime of love. Many children may not comprehend it, but a mother's love lies at the core of her nagging – to clean their room or to finish their homework, because she wants them to learn the right things to do. Ultimately, it is illustrated in how she makes sacrifice after sacrifice.

Mother love shapes cultures and individuals. While most mothers know that their love and emotional availability are vital to their children's well-being, many of us do not understand the profound and long-lasting impact we have in developing our young children's brains, teaching them first lessons of love, shaping their consciences … At a time when society urges women to seek their worth and personal fulfillment in things that take them away from their families and intimate bonds, Hunter invites women to come home — to their children, their best selves, their hearts.

Losing a mother is a pain that cannot be described in words. It is impossible to move on from the memory of losing the woman who sacrificed happiness in her own life so that you could have a better one. A mother’s love is truly irreplaceable. The wonderful memories of spending time with your mom will help heal the agony of missing her after she’s passed away.

No matter what I do to move on from this pain, deep down inside I will always know that I’ll never get to hug my mom again. I miss you.

Mom, your death has caged me in pain, agony and misery. But I don’t mind suffering, at least it has set you free. I miss you.

The skies look beautiful every day because Heaven cannot contain the beauty that you radiate. I miss you mom.

Mom, your memories are my life’s only solace. I miss you.
Death thinks it can take you away from me. But it doesn’t know you will always live in my memory. I miss you.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Woman's Life After Marriage

Woman's Life After Marriage

A woman, ever since she is born is socialized into playing certain roles in the society. Before marriage, she is a daughter and sister in her family. However, after marriage her roles change drastically. She has to be a wife, a daughter-in-law and in the future a mother too, while being a daughter and a sister. She is the one who has to leave behind her usual routine life and her parent’s home to be with the man she loves after the wedding. Therefore a woman has to experience a lot of changes after marriage which can be both enriching and daunting at the same time.

A woman’s life undergoes a complete change after she ties the knot. Though all changes are not bad, but there certain expectations of in-laws that may make it difficult for a woman to adjust and adapt the new lifestyle. Overnight, your priorities and routine changes, and from a bubbly, carefree girl one day, you become a responsible, caring daughter-in-law the next day.

15 changes a woman experiences after marriage
We bring up our daughters with ideas of being a caregiver or nurturer as her priority in life. Needless to say that in such a scenario, a woman goes through myriad changes once placed in the set-up of a married life. She is to move in with the man and take care of the man’s family as her own. Add to that the pressure of bearing the progeny and maintaining the pedigree is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. She performs all these duties with professional caliber as if she has been trained to do this all her life. Here is a list of 15 changes a woman goes through post marriage that have a major impact on her life and her relationship with others.

1. She becomes more responsible and reliable:
Gone are the days, when she can remain carefree and live her life as she wishes. A woman after marriage starts taking care of not only her husband but his family and in the process becomes more and more accountable and reliable. Now she does not have her father to take care of the finances nor her mother to handle the housework. All these responsibilities ultimately become her top priority post marriage. Surprisingly, a woman becomes more responsible after marriage happily without complaining about it.

2. Career almost takes a backseat in her life:
This might not be the case for every woman after the wedding. But then it is commonly noticed that a woman gets so preoccupied with life after marriage and juggling all kinds of duties that she does not get enough time to focus on her career. However, if one genuinely wants to go ahead in her career then probably she will get back to it after one or two years of marriage provided the husband and his family are supportive and happy about it.

3. Her decision-making style changes:
Before marriage, a woman will be concerned only with her life and take decisions according to her whims and fancies. But this changes after marriage because now she has to live her life with someone else and has to keep him in mind while taking any decision. Thus a woman will now consult with her husband while making a decision as and when required to get his valued opinion and then make a final decision accordingly.

4. Patience and maturity become her number one traits:
Patience and maturity is very essential if a woman wants to have a successful and healthy married life. These traits appear automatically in a married woman and she becomes mature enough to understand how to handle any situation whatsoever. She also learns to be calm and voice her displeasure in a more subtle way.

5. She rarely gets her personal space and time:
This is something that a majority of women complain about after marriage. Personal space and time is very necessary for the overall development of a person’s character. But a married woman hardly gets time and space to be on her own or do the things she likes. Her routine after the wedding is- taking care of the husband, his family members, the household chores, any professional commitments and so on. Personal space and time to spend on her own- she cannot even think about it.

6. A married woman thinks before speaking her mind:
A woman could tell anything to her parents and siblings directly without even any second thoughts because they know her inside and out. But once she is married into a new family, she has to be careful of what she says so that she might not hurt them. With time, she learns how to speak her mind after a lot of thought and without hurting anyone. The rule to be followed is think before you speak.

7. Her dressing style transforms:
A married woman has to forget the way she used to dress before marriage and adapt to the dressing style of the family she belongs to after marriage. Along with that, she has to even keep her husband’s preferences in mind. Though some families allow their daughter-in-laws to dress the way they want, most of them have reservations about the clothes she should wear after marriage.

8. She gives special attention to her family:
Before marriage, a woman loves spending time with friends. She does not mind hanging out with her friends and going on a trip with them. But after marriage a woman will first think about her family and give special attention to them. If she has to go out then she will make plans with her family. Friends will be a part of her life but family will be more important to her.

9. A married woman feels secure:
A woman will obviously feel secure physically, mentally and financially post marriage because she will have her husband next to her at all times. Her husband will be her support system, help her and advice her. Therefore she will be able to live her life comfortably with high level of security and satisfaction.

10. She will be extra careful when spending money
A woman tends to save a lot of money after marriage because she understands the value of money and knows how important it is to save money for future endeavors. Therefore she will spend only the required amount of money on things that are absolutely necessary.

11. Her possessive attitude will fade away:
Before marriage, a woman is generally more possessive when it comes to her man. She is concerned when another woman tries to hit on her guy and gets jealous. However, the possessive attitude disappears once she is married and she knows the guy is hers forever. Plus she even becomes mature enough to know that all this is a part and parcel of life.

12. She understands her family members like no one else:
If someone is going through a tough time in the family or the husband is having trouble professionally then a married woman will be the first one to catch on. This is because her family has her undivided attention and she knows what is going on in everyone’s life.

13. Her parents value her even more:
This is true for every girl who gets married because she is her parent’s princess. So whenever, she will visit her parents she will get all their love and affection. Her parents will value her even more than before because they genuinely miss her and be there for her always.

14. Weight gain is common for a married woman:
A woman after marriage might gain weight due to changes in lifestyle and eating habits. Hormonal changes, no time for exercise, no need to look attractive, change in priorities etc. can be other reasons behind the weight gain.

15. She becomes less interested in romance:
Most of the married men are complaining that their wives lose interest in romance after marriage. A woman becomes so caught up with the extra responsibilities post marriage that sex and romance hardly have any importance in her everyday agenda.

A woman is surely a force to be reckoned with because despite such drastic changes in her life after marriage she is able to survive, adapt and live a prosperous married life.

Being Single

April Fool's Day 2021 : 30+ Awesome Jokes & Messages with articles

April Fool’s Day 2021:   Every year, April 1 is celebrated as April Fool’s Day. It is an annual custom where people crack jokes, play pranks...